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Roses arranged with Blossoms' signature style in a clear glass vase. We start with fresh product from local farms, our own gardens, and trusted growers around the world. Add in beautiful vessels and the talents of our designers, and we have a recipe for shareable beauty. While your arrangement won’t look exactly like this one, it will be just as special! You can always discuss your order in detail by calling us at 828.650.6464.


Please include your card message in the Florist Notes field at checkout.


Delivering to more than one address? Please process a seperate transaction for each delivery location.



    Please select your delivery date at checkout.


    If no one is available to receive your arrangement, our driver will decide whether it’s safe to leave the flowers or not. We will call your recipient to let them know if the flowers were left, or to coordinate a later delivery.


    Please place orders by 12:00 PM EST to qualify for same-day delivery. We deliver flowers Monday-Friday.

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